Type-Ahead Field Threshold Settings

To configure the Axcelerate 5 pod-wide threshold settings for type-ahead fields, you need access to the web tier properties file on the main server.

Open the %MINDSERVER_HOME%\AXC5\properties\webtier.user.properties file.

Single value, multivalue and hierarchy fields that reach this number of values automatically convert to a type-ahead display in the Axcelerate 5 front end.
Allowed values: 0 - 2147483647
Default value:
  • 2147483647 (Integer.MAX_INT)

Note: On an Axcelerate 5 application-level, a field can be converted to a type-ahead display even if it does not have the required number of values. This configuration setting is available on the Axcelerate 5 Fields and Values page.

When a user clicks in the text box of a type-ahead field in an Axcelerate 5 tagging panel, a drop-down list shows this number of field values. If the desired value is not displayed, the user can search for the value.
Allowed values: 1 - 2147483647
Default value:
  • 30

Tip: We recommend a low number for this setting, to keep these types of fields fast and responsive.

When a user accesses the Values tab for a field on the Axcelerate 5 Fields and Values page, only this number of values is displayed for preview and editing. Users working on that page do have the option to load all values.
Allowed values: 1 - 2147483647
Default value:
  • 1000

Tip: We recommend a low number for this setting, so a user accessing this page does not experience web browser unresponsiveness.