What is opentext™ Axcelerate LaunchPad?

opentext™ Axcelerate LaunchPad gives Axcelerate Cloud clients the power to create, configure and manage their own Axcelerate 5 clients, projects and users without accessing CORE Administration.

If you have Axcelerate 5 clients of your own, you will use LaunchPad to create, configure and manage those clients.
Clients are created on a hierarchical basis and the Parent Client field information reflects each client’s place in the hierarchy.
  • Recommind is always the top level.
  • Your client account is at the second level, under Recommind.
  • Accounts created for your clients (sub-clients) are created at the third level, under your client account.
You will use LaunchPad to create and configure project profiles for your company and your clients and then create Axcelerate Ingestion1 and Axcelerate Review & Analysis applications using those profile settings.
You will use LaunchPad to create and manage user accounts, whether the users are employed by your company or by your clients. This includes allowing users access to matters with the appropriate user roles. You can also optionally grant users the right to log into LaunchPad.