Associated Documents and Review Batches

When creating review batches, consider the following with regard to associated documents:

When you use batch settings to include associated documents, you are pulling in documents outside of the document set you have isolated for batching, but only ones that exist in the universe related to the review workflow used for batching.

If you select more than one associated document type in the batch settings, the associations of the associated documents are also included. This is repeated until all associated documents have been added. This is the most reliable way to get all associated documents grouped in one batch; however, it can cause the resulting data set that gets batched to be much larger than expected.

If you specify the number of batches in the batching configuration, the system distributes the groups to batches as evenly as possible.

If you specify the number of documents per batch in the batching configuration, the system checks the number of documents in a batch before adding the next group of associated documents to the batch. If the number of documents is near the specified number, the system creates a new batch. In most cases, batches with an associated document inclusion contain slightly less or more documents than the specified number of documents per batch. If a group of associated documents is large, it gets its own batch.

Associated document groups of different sizes are distributed as evenly as possible

To determine how large a resulting set will be, you can use the Search panel to add associations before you batch out the documents. This method, however, does not automatically consider associations of associated documents.

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