Group by Family

Group by family is a user-specific setting that is active by default. It displays attachments and embeddings below their parent in the Results list on the Analysis and Review pages.

On the Analysis page, the Document Title column provides a visual indicator of each family relationship. Families are separated by a dotted line and brackets help you see the relationship within a single family.

If you are working on the Review page or in a review batch, hover on a document card and click the icon for attachments to see this document's family.

Note: If you applied search or filter criteria, only the documents that meet the applied criteria are grouped. To view all family members of those documents, add a family expansion.

Applied Search Criteria and Family Groups

When you apply search criteria, the sort criteria, for example, score and metadata field content, is applied to parent documents and standalone documents with no family. The complete family is grouped under each parent document, without a particular order of the attachments and embeddings. Documents without their root document in the result are added at the end of the search result.

With grouping by family, attachments with missing parent are shown at the end of the list

Tip: When looking at search results grouped by family, have a look on the items on the last pages too. With grouping by family, even very relevant attachments are shown at the list end if their parent document is missing. It may therefore be useful to run a search twice, once with and once without family grouping.

Deactivate or Activate Group by Family

You can deactivate and reactivate Group by family as needed. If you change the setting on one page, it automatically updates on another page, too.

Analysis page setting
Click Group/Sort in the Results list panel header toolbar.
Review page setting
Click in the Results list panel header to open the display settings.


Add Associations or Restrictions to Applied Criteria

How to View Associated Documents

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