Batching Templates

Batching Templates are used for automatic and manual batch creation.

On the Templates page, you can create, delete and modify batching templates.

Note: The settings used are the same as for the Create Batches wizard.

Deleting and deactivating batching templates

If you delete a template, it is removed from the Templates list. In sample or review workflow configurations, it is referenced as <Template name>-Deleted.

If you deactivate a template, its status changes in the Templates list. In sample or review workflow configurations, it is referenced as <Template name>-Deactivated.

Deactivated or deleted templates continue to be used by the items that used them before.

If you configured the use of a template for a review workflow and for its searches, and then delete or deactivate it, you can still create new search based sets based on these templates. But you cannot access these templates for configuring a new workflow, or for creating batches for a set that previously used another template.

Note: If you create a new template with the name previously used by a deleted template, sets and nodes will still keep the reference to the deleted template.


Create Batches Wizard Reference

Templates Page

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