Rules Computation

Usually, production rules are automatically computed to match documents. In some cases, changes to documents that are queued or are to be replaced in a production require manual recomputation.

Rules computation before production

The system automatically assigns suitable rules to queued documents in these cases:

  • When you add a document to a production queue. Then the rules for the new document and for all queued documents are computed.
  • When you click a queue on the production workflow drill-in page, to open it in preview mode.

But if you change a queued document, e.g., remove a redaction, or convert the document, in the preview mode for a queue, you need to manually trigger rules recomputation. For this, the preview mode provides the Recompute button in the Production Workflow panel.

Rules computation for replacing documents in a production

Usually, the system automatically assigns suitable rules when you replace a document in a production.

If you change the Redaction view, or any property that is used to assign rules, in the replace-in preview mode, you need to manually trigger rules recomputation. For this, the replace in preview mode provides the Recompute button in the Production Workflow panel.


Production Workflow Preview Mode

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