Incremental Batching

To use incremental batching, select it as your batch method when you use ad hoc batching or manual batching, and then specify the number of batches and number of documents per batch to be created. A Case Manager can also configure a batching template with these settings. 

Incremental Batch Settings Example

How incremental batching works

A set is created for the documents you add to a review workflow; however, only the specified number of batches are created. Those are approximately restricted to the specified number of documents per batch, depending upon whether associated documents are included.

The team then reviews the batched documents and evaluates the quality of the results to decide whether to review additional documents from the set. This judgment can be aided by monitoring the Confirmation Rate.

If the review yields quality results, a Case Manager can manually batch additional documents from the set. The new batches will contain only documents not previously batched. The review, evaluation and manual batching process is repeated until a decision is made to stop review of the set or all documents in the set have been batched.

Tip: You can start incremental batching for different target review states in parallel.

Tip: You can use adaptive batching in conjunction with incremental batching to automate the batching and monitoring of confirmation rates.


View Confirmation Rates

Manual Batching

Adaptive Batching

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