Conversion Smart Filter

The Conversion Smart Filter shows the results of conversion for production and for the viewer's Redaction view. A document can have multiple values in this Smart Filter.

Values in the Conversion Smart Filter

Value Description

No Value

There is no imported image or conversion has not yet taken place.

Converted - Prepared for Production

If you want to create image productions, every document needs this value.

A document is assigned this value:

  • through bulk conversion with option Redactions & Production > Limited, no matter whether the conversion is successful or results in a slip-sheet.
  • through conversion on-the-fly when a user clicks the Redaction view, as this automatically starts a conversion job for production.
  • through bulk conversion with option Redactions & Production > All.
  • if it has an overlay image that was imported.
  • if a user printed the Redaction view using the Actions menu above the Results list, as this automatically starts bulk conversion for production.
Converted- Printed Native

Native file (no image or slip-sheet) has been successfully converted for production.

User printed the Redaction View using Print in the Results list Actions menu, or bulk conversion for redaction/production was run, or user opened the Redaction view and created a display file on-the-fly.

Conversion exception

Conversion failed. Instead of the document content, a slip-sheet is shown in Redaction view. This slip-sheet can be used as production image.

If conversion fails and no slip-sheet can be created, the document is not assigned this value, but the Converted - Display Exception value.

Converted - B&W

This value can be assigned to a document with a black and white overlay image imported using CSV Merge or CSV Load.

This value is also used by a legacy black and white conversion.

Converted - Color

This value can be assigned to a document with a colored overlay image imported using CSV Merge or CSV Load.

This value is also used by a legacy color conversion.

Converted - Color mode unknown

This value can be assigned to a document with an overlay image imported using CSV Merge or CSV Load and for which the color mode has not yet been detected.

This value also occurs for legacy conversion results.

Converted - Empty pages were removed

This value was only used by the legacy conversion.

Empty pages were removed from conversion results for specific MIME types.

Converted - Fallback to Stellent applied This value was only used by the legacy conversion if your system is especially configured to use Oracle Outside In conversion after native conversion failed. As document conversion was successful, documents with this value are also tagged with Converted - B&W or Converted - Color.
Converted - Native Document was successfully converted using native conversion, that is, PDF creation of the respective Microsoft Office application.
Converted - Page limit reached

This value was only used by the legacy conversion.

It was assigned if a successfully converted document exceeded the configured page limit.

Converted - Prepared for Redaction View

Document is ready for display in Redaction view. Note that you do not need this value to be able to redact documents, as users can convert documents on-the-fly by clicking the viewer's Redaction tab.

This value is assigned to a document

  • through bulk conversion with option Redactions & Production > All.
  • if users mark a document for redaction. Documents marked for redaction are automatically converted for Redaction view. The job created for conversion has low priority and is excecuted after other conversion jobs.
Converted - Slip-sheet Assigned to documents for which an exception slip-sheet has been created.
Converted - Text index dropped

This is a very large document for which the viewer text index has been dropped to prevent viewer errors. No search or highlighting is possible in the Redaction view. Users can switch to Text view to run a search and see highlighting.

Converted - Text index truncated This is a very large document for which the viewer text index has been truncated to prevent viewer errors. Users can switch to Text view to run a search and see highlighting.

Converted - With warnings

Assigned to every document converted with any warning. The field value displays the total number of the documents converted with warnings.

Converted - With other warning Assigned to a document when the system cannot assign any of the other, more specific warnings.
Converted - With warning chart(s) missing Assigned to protected Microsoft Excel documents when the unhide charts action was not executed.
Converted - With warning content is missing Assigned to a document when:
  • In Microsoft PowerPoint documents, printing hidden slides was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft PowerPoint documents, appending a notes slide was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft Excel documents, unhide worksheets action was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft Excel documents, disabling custom filters was not executed.
  • In Microsoft Excel documents, a worksheet was not unhidden because it may contain only binary data.
Converted - With warning content is potentially missing Assigned to a document when:
  • In protected Microsoft PowerPoint documents, resetting the theme to Blank Design was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft PowerPoint documents, converting color and grayscale shapes to black and white was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft Excel documents, unhide columns action was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft Excel documents, unhide rows action was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft Excel documents, AutoFit rows and columns was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft Excel documents, setting cells black and white was not executed.
  • For a print action: I t cannot be ensured that white text was printed in black on a black and white printer.
Converted - With warning formatting is unexpected Assigned to a document when:
  • In protected Microsoft Word documents, if non-English sections exist, disabling auto hyphenation was not executed.
  • In protected Microsoft PowerPoint documents, scaling output to paper size was not executed.
  • A Microsoft Excel worksheet is too large to be displayed on a single page in native view. It is displayed on multiple pages instead.
Converted - With warning review information is incomplete Assigned to protected Microsoft PowerPoint documents when printing comments was requested but did not happen.

Display Exception

Assigned to documents when conversion fails and a slip-sheet cannot be generated, which may occur when:

  • There are errors converting for Image view.
  • There are errors converting a document from Converted - Prepared for Production to Converted - Prepared for Redaction view.
  • There are errors displaying a document which is already Converted - Prepared for Production.
  • The conversion server is not responding.
Imported image

This value is set for a document image that was imported by an Administrator using CSV Load in Axcelerate Ingestion or CSV Merge in Axcelerate Ingestion or Axcelerate Review & Analysis.

Documents with imported images are automatically tagged as Converted - Prepared for Production.

Reconversion needed - Native document Updated

If you see any number for this value in the Smart Filter, filter for it and check the documents found.

This value is assigned to a document that was converted and then, due to a change to the original document, reloaded into Axcelerate Ingestion and republished.


Bulk Conversion

Viewer Limitations

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