Include Associated Documents

When creating review batches, you have the option to include associated documents. Below are some considerations related to this option:

Batches split by batch count
If you select Full batching, split by batch count in the batching configuration, the system distributes associated document groups to batches as evenly as possible. Using this setting will not result in split associated document groups.

Associated document groups of different sizes are distributed as evenly as possible

Batches split by document count
If you select Full batching, split by document count in the batching configuration, you may see split associated document groups. In this case, the system checks the number of documents in a batch before adding the next group of associated documents to the batch. If the number of documents is up to 50 percent above or below the specified document count per batch, a new batch is created. This can result in batches that contain 50 percent less or 50 percent more documents than the specified number of documents per batch.
When a batch is split, a priority order determines which associated document type is pushed to the next batch; the lowest priority is pushed first. The priority order is:
  1. Families
  2. Email threads
  3. Duplicates
  4. Near duplicates

This means near duplicates are the first associated document type to get pushed to the next batch, then duplicates, then email threads and then families. Unless one associated document group is very large or the number of documents entered in the Full batching, split by document count setting is very small, families and email threads will most often be maintained together in the first batch of a split review batch set.

Tip: For Review in Context to be available for batch review, batches must contain less than 1,500 documents. If you limit the number of documents per batch to 1,000 documents, the largest batch, even when associated documents are added, will never exceed 1,500 documents.

If adding a group of associated documents causes a batch to exceed the designated batch size by 50 percent, a _SPLIT suffix is added to the batch name. This allows you to easily see which batches contain split associated document groups.
If a batch contains the last part of an associated document group that was split across batches, the last batch for that group will not be filled by any additional associated document group that would need to be split. This means split batches are only ever connected by a single associated document group and never by multiple associated document groups.
Document grouping option
The Group documents within batches option in the batching configuration influences how documents are distributed over batches, that is, they are distributed by Data Source, Custodian or Document Date.
When this option is selected along with the Include associated documents option, the documents are first grouped with their associated documents and then those groups are organized into batches based on the document grouping setting.
A single associated document group may contain different values in the field used to group documents in batches. For this reason, the system first places associated document groups with identical values together and next places associated document groups with similar values together; then the groups are batched. Depending on the designated batch size, more than one group may end up in the same batch.
Manually adding associated documents to a document set
Although you can manually add associated documents to a document set before you batch it, this does not necessarily keep associated document groups together in batches. To keep groups together, use a batching template that has Include associated documents and the desired associations selected. As noted above, this may result in associated document groups being split across batches.
Selecting multiple associations
If you select more than one associated document type in the batching configuration, the associations of the associated documents are also included. This is repeated until all associated documents have been added.
When you use the batching configuration to include associated documents, the system will automatically pull in document associations, so long as they exist in the universe that is associated with the review workflow you use for batching. Associated documents that exist outside of that universe are not included.


Group Documents Within Batches

Create or Modify a Batching Template


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