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opentextâ„¢ Axcelerate LaunchPad 16.6.1

Access to Axcelerate 16.6 help files
Once you are logged in, the help icon (a question mark) is located by your user name. Click it to access LaunchPad help.
To access the Axcelerate 16.6 Help Center, follow the links inside the LaunchPad help.
You can also access the Axcelerate 16.6 Help Center using the help icon in Axcelerate.
Access to Axcelerate 5.15 and earlier help files
To access earlier versions of the Axcelerate Help Center, follow the link inside the LaunchPad help to the Axcelerate 5.15 Help Center. From there, you can access even earlier versions using the Other Versions link.
You can also continue to access the online help center as before:
Camunda version 7.10
Camunda was upgraded from version 7.9 to version 7.10. Camunda allows LaunchPad to talk to other systems. There are no functionality changes associated with this upgrade.

For earlier release information, expand the drop-down for the version of interest.